JCRS for Insurers

Jewelry Insurance Workshop (Jewelry 101)


Introducing JCRS Claims Solutions

Claims Mitigation

FREE Claims
Settlement Audit

Jewelry Replacement Services

Salvage/Recovery Services

Claims Estimating Software

JEMs® for Agents

XML Jewelry Standards

Jewelry Insurance Manual

Jewelry Insurance Issues Monthly Newsletter


JCRS can help you take control of Jewelry claims
(pdf brochure)




FREE Jewelry Claims Settlement Audit

Let us show your company
how much you overpaid jewelry settlements

Annual jewelry sales top $50 billion in the U.S., which, when insured, generates $2 billion in jewelry insurance premium. But according to U.S. Department of Justice statistics, $1 billion-plus in jewelry “disappears” annually, which leads to huge payouts when settling jewelry claims.

But are those huge payouts necessary? Might the industry be overpaying jewelry claims? We think so.

JCRS mitigation solutions and company audits consistently indicate that insurance companies typically overpay claims upwards of 40 percent. If your company wants to bring jewelry claims settlement costs under control, we invite you to take the JCRS challenge.

Here's our challenge to you

What you need to do

What we will do

Why take our free audit?

  1. No obligation and nothing to lose.
  2. Find out whether you’re overpaying jewelry claims. Many claims are based on inflated and inaccurate appraisals, and carriers end up paying out too much. That’s because carriers often rely on claims advice from the same replacement jewelers who provide the quotes.
  3. See how easy it is to take control of your jewelry claims process.
    Insurance industry surveys show that claims are often paid out based on inaccurate and incomplete appraisals that lack the details necessary to truly settle a claim fairly.

Contact us to get started.